Jeep® Brazil Celebrates “4×4 Day” With The Introduction Of The Compass 4xe!
Only Available In The Luxury-Oriented S Trim...

It’s April 4th (4/4) or as many in the off-road community call it “4×4 Day” or “Jeep® Day”! While it may be a typical day for us working folk, Jeep Brazil is getting “amped” up’d over the introduction of the Jeep Compass 4xe plug-in hybrid (PHEV) which was introduced earlier today. It marks the first time that the Compass 4xe is going to be sold outside of Europe, and Jeep’s second-largest market is taking advantage of the electrified offering.
Jeep® Brazil Celebrates "4x4 Day" With The Introduction Of The Compass 4xe!
It's April 4th (4/4) or as many in the off-road community call it "4x4 Day" or "Jeep® Day"! While it may be a typical day for us working folk, Jeep Brazil is getting "amped" up'd over the introduction of the Jeep Compass 4xe plug-in hybrid (PHEV) which was introduced earlier today. It marks the...