Jeep® Sells Out Of Two Months Worth The Inventory Of Compass 4xe Models In Five Hours!
Pre-Orders Surprise Initial Predictions From Jeep...

Jeep® Brazil has announced that the ordering for its new plug-in hybrid (PHEV) Jeep Compass 4xe, sold out the Brazilian dealer network’s two-month-plus inventory in a matter of just five hours after its announcement on April 4th (4/4), also known as 4×4 Day or “Jeep Day”!
The automaker said that its initial sales estimate was about 120 vehicles per month.
Jeep® Sells Out Of Two Months Worth The Inventory Of Compass 4xe Models In Five Hours!
Jeep® Brazil has announced that the ordering for its new plug-in hybrid (PHEV) Jeep Compass 4xe, sold out the Brazilian dealer network's two-month-plus inventory in a matter of just five hours after its announcement on April 4th (4/4), also known as 4x4 Day or "Jeep Day"! The automaker said that...